Thursday, October 25, 2012

A Coach Burns Up, an Icon Burns Down, Nothing Burns in West Virginia and the Best of a Crazy Week in College Football

The action on the field is starting to heat up. Lucky for those who want a little reality show style drama with your football there are guys like me that like to comb the internet for the best and brightest of the crazy shenanigans that often surround the lovely game of football. Yes, they are lovely.

There was certainly not a shortage of action this past weekend. We had it all-- a coach that gets burned up about something and loses his mind; an icon burns down and possibly cast a spell on the home team, nothing burns in West Virginia (literally at least) and so much more!

Football is a lot about heat and passion. Without either it is hard to win let alone play well. However, sometimes folk have mistaken the heat that the game inspires as a reason to create real heat.

Burning Coach

If you want to talk about something that was burning up recently look no further than Wyoming Cowboys head coach Dave Christensen. Apparently Air Force had a player go down to an injury and Christensen thought it was fake so he let Air Force coach Troy Calhoun have it. WARNING: this clip is not safe for work; I repeat--it is NSFW!

Christensen treated a military veteran like this while his school was hosting Military Appreciation Night? When he watches this clip I hope he notices how to act (like Calhoun) when someone else (like him) acts like a total horse's behind.

No Burning Couches

So impassioned are the West Virginia faithful that every time their team wins they feel the incredible need to burn living room furniture (namely couches). It has become enough of an issue that the state felt the need to make the act a felony. That of course did not stop a thing, but there is something that will--losing.

The last two weeks the Mountaineers have been spanked. Over the course of both weekends couches all across West Virginia were safe which left authorities with a difficult quandary. Is saving a few couches worth losing?

Icon in Flames

The fire, or lack there of, in West Virginia may not be burning bright, but there recently was a heck of a fire burning at the State Fair in Texas. A Long time iconic figure, Big Tex, caught fire and burned down. Some choose to see it as a message that Mack Brown's time in Austin is done (figuratively at least). Most just considered unfortunate that something that said 'Texas' like ole Big Tex had to go meet its Maker.

Other Hot Action

Of course there was plenty of hot action on the field as well like when this Virginia Tech DB made this interception lying on his back. This catch by Kadrone Boone to give LSU the lead over Texas A&M was pretty awesome too. Ohio State's Braxton Miller was smacked pretty hard here, but luckily he's okay. The way these UMass walk-ons learned they were getting scholarships was pretty cool too.

The video of the day comes courtesy of Olympic champion swimmer Ryan Lochte. I don't want to ruin it for you, but I think Ryan might be staying underwater longer than he should sometimes.

For more of the shenanigans and craziness that was the last week in college football check out the gallery on the other end of this link!

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