Saturday, October 13, 2012

Charlotte Bobcats Preseason: Let the Learning Begin! | Bobcats Planet

Charlotte Bobcats Preseason: Let the Learning Begin! | Bobcats Planet

We are three games into the preseason and so far it isn’t painful to watch these guys play (sorry Bobcats, but it was kind of painful at times last season). In fact, I think these guys are actually doing pretty good considering the changes they've gone through.
Working with a new head coach is always a challenge, but the Bobcats have another challenge facing them that most teams will not. They have a lot of new players to work in as well. So it’s not like they cohesiveness of an existing core can help speed up the learning process or any familiarity with the coach.
In a way I think that is good, but in a way it can also be bad...

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