Wednesday, October 17, 2012

God Bless Auburn, the Zombie Apocolypse Hits Washington State, Humidity Sucks, and a Musical Week in College Football

Football is a game that is supposed to be about passion, heart, drive, and intensity. It is supposed to be about those that want it so bad that they are able to rise above the challenge and become victorious against all odds. It’s about bringing the best out of everyone involved.

Often times it does just that and brings out the best in people. Other times it brings something out that might best be categorized as the best of intentions and maybe a little too much honesty.

God Bless Auburn

Some folks don’t let the humidity get to them or even a zombie apocalypse. However, sometimes they do see a need to make a call for action to their fan base to battle a greater evil—the guy with the horns himself. This is what Jonna Chizik, embattled Auburn head coach Gene Chizik’s wife, posted on Facebook:
"…We have fans all over the U.S., and I think it is time that they RISE UP and snatch back what satan (sic), himself, has stolen. We serve a God who recovers ALL that 'has been stolen' from us, and there are times that He requires the efforts of His people to accomplish this truth…”

I’m sure she meant well with what she said, and she did go back later and try to clarify what she intended her comments to mean, but they were kind of confusing too. Maybe she needs an exorcism done on her laptop?

Musical Interlude I

 Is there anything that inspires quite like a rap video does? I think the folks at Oklahoma are banking on the answer being 'no.' Next time they might want to tell the girl featured in the clip not to look freaked out and scared of the strange white guy speaking in rhyme.


Zombies in the Pacific Northwest?

Take new Washington State head coach Mike Leach; yes, the ole Texas Tech pirate himself. The leader of the Cougars has had a rough go of it in his return to college football following the fiasco in Lubbock. He certainly didn't make it any better when he referred to some of his seniors as ‘zombie-like’ and with an ‘empty corpse quality.’
"Some of them have been great and some of them have been very poor. Some of them have had kind of this zombie-like, go through the motions, everything is like how it's always been, that's how it'll always be. Some of them quite honestly have an empty corpse quality."
Yea, I imagine the meeting room is going to be a little quieter this week. Good luck getting the best out of your team now Coach Leach.

Musical Interlude II

No matter what I say to try and set this piece up I will not be able to do it justice. Here is the head of Boise State head coach Chris Peterson doing it Gangnam style:


Humidity Sucks!

Honesty is the best policy, but it doesn't mean you always need to express what you perceive the absolute truth is to the rest of the world. LSU definitely should not have done that earlier in the week when talking about their loss to the Florida Gators last weekend.
"It is Florida," linebacker Kevin Minter said, according to the report. "The humidity is ridiculous."
Really? You are honestly going to put off the whooping the Gators gave you to humidity? Where do you guys practice again? Come on man! Apparently the humidity in Baton Rouge wasn't too bad Saturday night since they were able to take down the Gamecocks 23-21.

More Music for the Week in College Football

Whether you see the truth in social media, the weather, or the zombie apocalypse, there is one thing that we can all agree on—musical college football videos are just funny.

Music is something that is often used to inspire us and encourage an emotional response of one kind or another. The folks at West Virginia were likely hoping that this rendition of John Denver’s hit song could lift the spirits of the team (like it did after the Baylor win), but after Saturday’s whooping by Texas Tech that could be hard.

I’m really hoping that some enterprising individuals that are better with computers than me will do some work on these two videos. Maybe it’s just me, but when I watch this Alabama/Missouri clip I imagine everyone should be Kung Fu Fighting. This hit by Minnesota RB Donnell Kirkwood would be perfect with this song

One of the best clips of the week goes to the Ohio State Marching Band. This was from last week's action, but the video didn't surface till later during the week. If you have ever played a video game you can appreciate what these guys do during this halftime show:

For more of the latest and greatest from all the action in and around the game check out the gallery! (The 'back to the story' link will not work since the story is printed here instead of the same site as the gallery.)

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