Friday, October 19, 2012

New Orleans Saints Bounty-Gate Takes an Interesting Twist with Latest NFLPA Brief | Egotastic!

New Orleans Saints Bounty-Gate Takes an Interesting Twist with Latest NFLPA Brief | Egotastic!

The NFL Players Association filed a brief in court that could be a pretty big game changer in this whole never-going-away-Saint-bounty-scandal disaster. At this point, we're all pretty much sick of it, but now things might get interesting.
As it turns out the NFL has condoned a similar pay for performance scheme in the past. Apparently back in 1996 the late, great Reggie White ran a program dubbed “Smash for Cash” where he gave out $500 for big hits.
It was no secret that he was doing it either. ESPN even filmed a segment on the program. As far as the league was concerned it was okay since White used his own cash, the amounts were not too high, and illegal hits were not rewarded. Other players talked about similar programs on their teams as well...

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