Friday, October 19, 2012

Republican VP Candidate Paul Ryan Doesn’t Know his Cowboys from his Longhorns

In just a few short weeks it will be time for the nation to once again decide who is going to receive all the blame—I mean lead us—through the next four years. In a perfect world everyone would listen to the views of both parties’ representatives before coming to an educated and informed decision on who they believe the leader of the free world should be (no big deal, right?).

However, the candidates know full well that there will be some folks that will make their decision based on something arbitrary—like where the candidate is from, what party he belongs to, or whether he knows who a couple budding NFL stars are.

What he shouldn't do is insult the supporters of either player by accusing them of something so heinous as playing for a hated rival (which of course alienates graduates of the school); because people get sensitive about their college football!

Sure enough, that is just what Republican VP candidate Paul Ryan did when he visited a Cleveland Browns practice along with Condoleezza Rice as the guest of the team’s new owner Jimmy Haslam III. While taking to a group of players Ryan looked one of the two quarterbacks right in the eyes and started raving about how he used to watch him play at Oklahoma State. Here’s the good part—he was talking to former Texas Longhorn QB Colt McCoy, not Brandon Weeden.

Linebacker Scott Fujita described the scene pretty well in a tweet:
Today's locker room laugh from practice was hearing how Paul Ryan looked Colt McCoy dead in the eye & said "great job at Oklahoma State."
For serious college football fans that is a pretty big gaffe. Fans in Texas take their football pretty seriously. Colt’s brother Case nearly took over the starting QB job for the Longhorns simply due to how beloved his brother is in the Lone Star State. It’s not like Colt was just any QB either; up until last season he was the most successful college QB in the history of the NCAA.

To have someone mistake you for the QB of a rival is nothing short of blasphemy! Definitely now a way to win undecided football fans in Texas over!

It’s bad enough that Mitt Romney has angered the creator of Friday Night Lights—a show about Texas high school football (which is basically a religion in Texas)—by refusing to stop using Coach Eric Taylor’s rally cry, “Clear eyes, full hearts—can’t lose!”

You would think that Ryan would have someone on staff that would have taken two minutes with him before arriving at practice to make sure he knew who the stars of the team are (or at least their numbers). He'd even talked about Brandon Weeden before and claimed to be a big football fan!


 Geez! If he can’t do his homework about football how can we believe he’ll do it on the economy…

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