Monday, October 15, 2012

Rugby Fans Rock!

Fans of all sports are awesome in one way or another. Baseball fans turn out for so many games that it is just insane. The stats some of these guys know can be just mind boggling. Football fans--depending on the state--are the most loyal in the world next to the fanatics that rule the international soccer scene.

Call it a hunch, but I don't think we''ll ever see riots in the stands, burning missiles thrown on the field, or fans demanding that the players take off their jerseys after playing like crap (if they are going to play so bad its embarrassing they can do it shirtless!).

However, I do not think there is a fan in the world that can top this Irish gentleman that was at a rugby match between the Saracens F.C. and Harlequins F.C.

Like fans of all games, he's having a couple beers. In the video he's walking through the tunnel to go back to his seat when a rather unfortunate accident occurs. I won't tell you what it is; you have to watch, but suffice it to say I don't see a fan of any sport in the United States reacting this way!

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