Thursday, October 11, 2012

The Bounty Gate Suspensions Actually Changed a Little | Egotastic!

The Bounty Gate Suspensions Actually Changed a Little | Egotastic!

Like Forrest Gump, my momma used to tell me little nuggets of wisdom to help my get through life. I can remember her saying once not to let anything to catch me by surprise and to run faster to make sure that it didn't. Yea, unlike Forrest Gump’s momma mine didn't make sense all too often.
Sense and logic are two things that are not used as often as people would like. On one hand it means that we can often be surprised by what people do, but at the same time they can shock and amaze us with their antics just as much. When it came to the Bounty-Gate suspensions no one would have surprised if Roger Goodell kept them as is. Surprise! Surprise! He actually changed them!...

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