Tuesday, March 26, 2013

John Wall Redeems Himself With 47-Point Night

It must be hard to be one of the elite talents in the NBA and be stuck on a poor team like the Washington Wizards. So when he gets a nasty elbow like the one that Klay Thompson from the Warriors gave him Saturday it is understandable that he be a little upset.

What is not understandable is how he can keep running his mouth long after the play is done that the refs feel till the refs feel like he needs to be ejected.

As a professional I would imagine that he might be a little embarrassed about his behavior (whether he feels it was warranted or not) and the toll it took on his team. Apologizes are nice, but they really don't hold a lot of weight when fans see pro athletes act like fools all the time.

What does make up for it is an epic kind of night where the player metaphorical says, "Guys, I'm sorry about that last game so to make up for it I am going to totally rock this game," and then he goes out and does just that.

Like Wall did in Monday's 47-point effort:

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