Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Johnny Manziel Comes Clean About Longhorn Tattoo; Quitting Twitter

Remember a couple weeks ago when a picture of Texas A&M quarterback Johnny Manziel with a Texas Longhorn tattoo made its way around the World Wide Web? Remember how Johnny Football tweeted a denial and called the tattoo pic a fake?

Well, as it turns out he was lying.

In a recent interview with ESPN he told the reporter that he got a temporary Longhorns tattoo while he was enjoying spring break in Cabo San Lucas. Apparently someone dared him to so he went ahead and did it because they thought it would be funny.

As someone who grew up playing football in Texas he should have known how the Texas A&M faithful would react to seeing there quarterback branded with the symbol of their hated rival. If getting folks angry with him was what they thought would be funny--well, it worked.

What it also did was show how immature he and his buddies are that they resulted to such low brow behavior just to get a rise out of people.

The back lash that he got from the Longhorn tattoo along with all the other unfavorable comments from the many pictures of him partying is what probably led to him announcing that he is quitting Twitter for the time being:
“I’ve kind of just shut it all off,” Manziel told ESPN’s Mark Schlabach. “With how the media has been with me for a while, I just shut everything off. As of (Monday), I said I was done with (Twitter) for however long. It’s fun to have, but it can get to be distracting at points.”
Last season there were some that questioned why Kevin Sumlin banned his young star from the media. The logic was pretty clear; he wanted the kid to be able to concentrate on playing football and not have to worry about what people were saying about him. If he isn't talking to them then they have no reason to talk about anything other than his play on the field (which was stellar last season).

Fast forward just a few short months after the media ban was lifted and now there are two camps on Johnny Manziel: the one that thinks the kid should be left alone to party however he wants as long as he plays good football and the other that thinks he is an idiot with a golden arm and platinum feet.

As much as fans will be unhappy to find out that he lied about the tattoo they will be glad about one thing. Maybe now without Twitter and the distractions that come with it their superstar quarterback can just concentrate on playing football.

And winning games next season.

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1 comment:

  1. Tattoos regularly presented to the sun will likewise must be revamped or touched up sooner then those not over here uncovered -so stay out the sun -even after your tattoo has mended
