Friday, May 10, 2013

Dennis Rodman-- Busy Burning Bridges or Becoming a Cult Hero?

Dennis Rodman, the original fashion-forward NBA superstar, is doing either everything he can to stay in the public eye. Not only has he sung the praises of one of the nation's biggest and most dangerous enemies for some people's taste, but he is getting a little profane when talking about the President.

Oh--and he thinks he can actually become a diplomat just because he wants to.

Not everyone loves Obama of course, but even some of his detractors will not take to kindly to hearing someone--anyone--talk about the leader of the nation the way he has.
"We got a black president [who] can't even go talk to [Kim]" Rodman said, adding "Obama can't do sh*t, I don't know why he won't go talk to him."
Now there have been plenty that have said more, but I would not be shocked if some will use it as an excuse to write the former NBA star/reality personality off since he is who he is--one strange character.

Is it right? If it's because of his beliefs then yes (since we are all entitled to our own opinions).

Rodman is of course entitled to his opinion, and there are many who back him and what he is planning to do. He can gain a lot of credibility if he actually pulls it off too. Pull of what? Get his buddy Kim over in North Korea to release an American prisoner, Kenneth Bae.

How he is going to do it is a mystery (now that could make for a heck of a documentary). So far he has reached out to his buddy via Twitter:

Do him a solid. Talk about changing the face of diplomacy!

If this works Dennis Rodman will become a cult hero within the United States. If it fails he will continue proving to the world that he is just like other former athletes and celebrities--washed up and desperate for attention.

(Great vid TMZ.)

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