Sunday, May 5, 2013

Law Student to Golf Across America--Literally

The notion sounds great, but it is probably not what you are thinking. I know when I first heard about I figured it was one of those ultimate man-cations. You know, like watching  a ballgame in every park in the baseball--that kind of thing.

But, like me, you would be wrong. He is literally going to drive and putt his way across the country.

The law student in question is a Fishers, IN, man by the name of Luke Bielawski. Rather than spend his summer off recharging his battery for the coming year in law school he is going to spend 110 days hitting golf balls across nine states.

He's done a pretty good job of planning the whole thing out. His journey, which he has dubbed 'From Tee to Shining Tee' is going to start off in Ventura, California, traverse across 2500 miles of two lane highways and back roads (to keep out of harm's way with traffic), and end in Kiawah Island, South Carolina.

Of course when it comes to heavily congested areas he will be putting so as not to cause any harm or distraction.

Because a dude driving a golf ball across the country is not going to get much attention (too much on the sarcasm?).

Now why on Earth would someone take 110 days out of their life to swing a golf club an estimated 48,000 times and risk losing a ton of balls (he's estimating around 3600)?

For charity.

Luke is trying to raise money for the Providence Cristo Rey High School in Indianapolis. The idea is to raise $100,000 to benefit the scholarship fund so that under-privileged kids can attend the small Catholic school. Students at the school typically live in poverty and would otherwise not receive the education they need to prepare them for college.

Next month the school is going to graduate 17 of its 140 students; all have been accepted to college. Next year enrollment is expected to be close to 200.

Sounds like a pretty good reason to golf across America to me. If you think so too you can follow his progress once he starts on Facebook and Twitter as well as his website, Get on the Green (where you can also donate).

Good luck to you Luke!

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