Monday, May 6, 2013

Three Reason to Love the Houston Astros This Season (yes, this season)

Three Reason to Love the Houston Astros This Season (yes, this season):

The Houston Astros are expected to compete with the Marlins for the bottom of the MLB cellar, but I still think they are a blast to watch.

We feel you Lucas. It's okay man.

Houston is going to be bad this season. That much is expected of the Astros and so far it doesn’t appear to be far from the truth. However, in spite of what their record is at the end of the season I love these guys—and you should too!

For one, there is the underdog mentality. Who doesn’t love an underdog? This season the Astros are made up of a collection of has-beens, not-yets, and never-was type guys. On paper they should not win 60 games.

There is something to be said for low expectations. True competitors consider it their mission to overcome them. Watching them try to beat the odds and prove people wrong can often result in some pretty entertaining baseball.

So far the team has managed to do that on a few occasions—like the impressive opening season win over the Texas Rangers; the 24 runs they scored over two nights in Seattle (April 9 and 10)—okay, so there aren’t many moments like that yet. The season is still young. They have time…

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  1. I can't watch them because Comcast/DirecTV...will have to take your word for it.

    1. I appreciate that; check out some of trh box scores sometime though and you can see what I mean...or just keep coming back to the site here...

  2. Astros are at the bottom of the league in player salaries. Around 18 million. Pathetic. Your Democrat owner is a MLB welfare queen. The owner takes 52 million from the league as the Astros share of the national TV revenue and spends 18 million on his current players and 5 million on players playing for other teams now and pockets more than he pays in salaries to both the players and the front office. If you are a fan of the Astros you should be ashamed of your team, the owner, and yourself.

    1. Why should an Astros fan be ashamed of themselves? Because the team sucks and the owner is a cheapskate? The only person that should be ashamed of that is the owner.

      Your comment is easily one of the stupidest I have ever seen. Real fans do not need a winning record or a team that spends a ton of money. Talk about superficial.

  3. Go Stros!!!....Bo Porter is never say never! type of manager.....

  4. It is disappointing to watch how far this team has fallen since 2005, I thought Drayton Mclaine was a horrible owner but Jim Crane is much worse. One bright spot has been Jose Altuve but I am sure the baseball geniuses Jeff Luhnow and Jim Crane will trade him for minor leaguers that will not amount to much. They have traded away plenty of good players to build a team around ie Hunter Pence, Michael Bourn and Jed Lowrie.
