Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Aaron Hernandez Charged With Murder [UPDATE]

In case you haven't been keeping up with the Aaron Hernandez mess, the now former New England Patriots tight end was arrested earlier in the day Wednesday in connection with the murder of his friend, Odin Lloyd. At the time the exact charges were not known, but now that he has been arraigned in court they are.

He is being charged with murder.

Much of the talk has centered around obstruction of justice prior to his arraignment, largely stemming from Hernandez destroying his security system and cell phone. From what evidence the media has been privy to in the last week the evidence seemed circumstantial at best.

That was only the evidence that the public knows about. Clearly the authorities have much more otherwise they would not be trying him for murder.

UPDATE: Man, it sure doesn't look good for Hernandez. On the flip side, it appears like he will eventually get what he deserves.

Along with murder, he is also being charged with five weapons related charges including unlawful possession of a firearm and possession of a large capacity firearm.

The information being shared in court is looking pretty bad for Hernandez too. Apparently the authorities were able to recover something from his busted security system; enough to see that there are about 6-8 hours of tape missing.

Following the murder there is film of him walking around the house with a gun. Shell casings have been recovered in one of the rental cars that match what was used in the murder. Another gun was found from another incident with his prints on it. Tire impressions at the scene are consistent with one of his rental cars.

Man--it is really not looking good for Hernandez at all. It just goes to show when that when you do the crime you do the time, big time football player or not.

For the latest updates you can check out a live blog at NESN.

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