Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Karma Does Matt Kemp a Solid With an Assist From Olivia Munn

Los Angeles Dodgers outfielder Matt Kemp is living, breathing proof that when you do good things good things will in turn happen to you. Remember when he met a young man that was suffering from a terminal illness and game him his game jersey, hat, and cleats?

Did you know that he also flew the young man--Joshua Jones--out to LA and introduced him to a lot of the guys on the team? Kemp did it all out of the goodness of his heart proving that he is not only a quality player, but a stand up guy in the process.

He expected nothing in return, but fate has decided that one good turn deserves another.

The lovely and talented actress Olivia Munn was in town to throw out the first pitch at Tuesday night's game with the Diamondbacks--yes, that game. Her pitch was better than many who have tried in the past, but its what she did afterwards that matters here.

She flashed Matt Kemp. 

Yep. She flashed him.

Now I will admit that we are assuming a little bit here, but it sure does look like it. Heck it doesn't matter what she's wearing underneath the jersey. Heck even if it is just a t-shirt or something Kemp does appear to be enjoying the conversation.

Gotta love that karma.

Oh--and for those of you that wanted to see more of Miss Munn--I didn't forget you!


[Busted Coverage]

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