Sunday, September 8, 2013

Aaron Rodgers Ends Business Relationship With Ryan Braun

In case there were any doubts before I think it is safe to say now that the Aaron Rodgers/ Ryan Braun bromance is over.

In case you have been away from a computer for the last few months, Green Bay Packers quarterback and Milwaukee Brewers slugger Ryan Braun were buddies--that is until Braun lied to Rodgers about taking PEDs.

If it was just the personal lie the relationship could have possibly been salvaged, but since Rodgers was made to look like a fool after he publicly spoke out in support of Braun and even 'bet' a game check Braun was telling the truth-- well, the bromance was definitely done.

And now its legal.

The two had been in business together, but that relationship is no more. The SURG Restaurant Group of which both were a part of has stated that the relationship with Braun has ended:
Restaurant group co-owner Michael Polaski said he appreciated the restaurant’s relationship with Braun and wished the slugger success. Braun in the same statement said he supported the decision.
The group said that it will be renaming the 8-Twelve MVP Bar and Grill in Milwaukee (the '8' referring to Braun's number), and will rename another bar that was preparing to open (also in Milwaukee).

Apparently a dishonesty and public humiliation are deal breakers for Rodgers.

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