Sunday, September 1, 2013

Green Bay Packers General Manager Takes the Blame for Vince Young Getting Cut

On August 30 it was widely believed that Vince Young had locked up the job as back up to Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers. A day later when he was let go people were surprised to say the least.

They might be even more surprised now that the Packers general manager Ted Thompson is taking the blame for Young's exit.

During his Sunday news conference Thompson had this to say about Young:

"Frankly, it wasn't fair to Vince. We threw a lot at Vince. A lot on his plate. He was a good teammate. The fault is probably mine. Should have brought him in sooner. The fault is mine."

No, internet critics, he was not saying that Young was not smart enough to handle the playbook. He did not get sufficient time to learn it.

Young was not signed till August 6. Training camp started back on July 26. Than here were OTA's and mini-camps that he missed out on; typically the time when new players get a chance to familiarize themselves with the playbook. 

He didn't get that chance. Instead he had to come in and do what he could with the time he had. From what we outside of the Green Bay Brain Trust could see he had done enough to win the job; he definitely played better than Graham Harrell. I'd say he did better than Coleman as well.

From Thompson's comments it sounds as if he is saying that Young needed more time to learn the system in order to win the job. Had he known there system better he would still have a job. On the other hand, since Rodgers is going to start he could have continued to learn the system on the bench.

I still think he is trying to compliment Young (in a round-a-bout way), but keeping Coleman--a guy who has been in camp and had time to learn the system--is not much of a safety net should Rodgers go down.

Now they are going to look to bring in someone else to start from scratch? Hmmm...

1 comment:

  1. If the packers have an awful year I'm sure they will just try and pass it off as it was a "rebuilding year". Maybe it's time that Thompson step down and we get some new blood in the head office. I hear farve would come
