Friday, November 1, 2013

Tony Parker is Going to be a Daddy!

Life is good for San Antonio Spurs superstar Tony Parker. The man is back for another season of NBA action, and at 31-years of age has plenty of great time left. His team is solid. You can't complain about working with Tim Duncan, Kawhi Leonard, Manu Ginobili, and the rest of the team.

His future wife is smoking hot--oh, and she's pregnant too. Want to know what they are having?

From Tony Parker's Facebook Page
Tony made the announcement himself on Twitter:

Parker and Axelle Francine have been dating since 2011 and this will be the first child for both. So with the team loaded and ready for a run back into the post season, a hot fiance, and impending fatherhood I think it is safe to say it's going to be a great year for Tony Parker.

Go ahead and get your partying in now Tony. Its kind of hard to once you have a little one in the house.

From Tony Parker's FB Page
Then again, I doubt you'll have any trouble affording a live-in nanny or two so I guess the good times will keep rolling.

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