Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Fox Sports Personality Jay Glazer Dared to Tell Peyton Manning Off?

When someone pushes our buttons there is no telling what we will do. It doesn't matter if it is someone close to you, your boss, or even the most beloved quarterback in recent history. If you feel threatened--or in Jay Glazer's case--like someone close to you is being mistreated you lash back.

According to a piece about Glazer in GQ Peyton Manning (yes, Peyton) messed with Glazer a few years back--and Glazer nearly fought back!

From Bleacher Report
According to the story written by Drew Magary in GQ, back in 2007 Glazer got in to a shouting match with Peyton after the quarterback allegedly made a joke about Michael Strahan and his ongoing divorce. Since he and Strahan are pretty tight Glazer didn't take to kindly to it and voiced his objectons--rather forcefully! 

“....I was just f*cking screaming at him, yelling at him: ‘I’ll beat your *ss. Don’t f*cking treat me like a b*tch, don’t talk about my friends and their f*cking problems. I don’t give a sh*t who you are, okay? We’re f*cking men. Just because you play football and I don’t does not make you any more of a man and does not mean you could beat my *ss, because you cannot....’
I get why he did it, and actually kind of respect him a little bit more for it. Anyone that has ever gone through a divorce or come close to it knows that there isn't anything funny about it. However, to curse at and threaten one of the most popular players in the NFL? 

It's not real professional.

That being said I wish it was on video somewhere. From the sound of things it would rank right up with some of the best sports-related rants of all time.

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