Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Pro Bowl Streaker is a Smoking Hot, Tire Flippping, Bad Ass!

The Pro Bowl featured some better football this season than in years past, but the highlight of the game was the streaker that popped out of the stands late in the game. Nothing was really shown on television, but new video has popped up (love the internet) that shows she got away with doing a lot more than just about any streaker in recent history.

A lot of streakers will often claim to have a story to go with their dastardly deed, but in this case it's actually true.

Most of the time there is nothing more to it than just a desire to be on the field and maybe camera to streakers. After enough liquid courage they finally decide to take the plunge and off they go. This was not the case with Katrina Torres.

She was doing it to honor her cousin Gary who is unable to walk; via the Huffington Post:
"A couple of years ago, my cousin who was 18 years old at the time got into a really bad motorcycle accident which left him unable to walk. It was always his dream to go with me to a Pro Bowl game. I made a promise to him that since he couldn't walk with me into that stadium that I would run across the field in honor of him knowing that he would be watching from home in New Mexico."
Okay, so maybe she is the one streaker that was doing it with good reason. It's still pretty silly and just  a little bit stupid though. Had Deion Sanders not come to the rescue by asking police not to arrest her and than saying he'd cover the bail this could have cost her a pretty penny.

But anyway....I digress from the real point of this post. Sunday's Pro Bowl streaker, while a little crazy (like all streakers) is kind of a buff, smoking hot bad ass!

You can't see how buff she is here, but check out her Instagram page and you can see her doing back flips off a cliff in a bikini, flipping massive tires, flexing topless (but with her back turned), and many other pics that show off her body.

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