Sunday, April 27, 2014

Clippers Players Make Perfect Silent Protest Prior to Game Four Against the Warriors [PHOTOS]

No one would have blamed the guys on the Clippers for saying or doing anything after what the team owner Donald Sterling is alleged to have said. They could have vented their frustration and anger; they're disgust at Sterling's antiquated and self-important thinking.

Instead they did the best thing they possibly could.


When the team came out to warm-up for Sunday's playoff game against the Golden State Warriors they came out to the center of the court, took off their team warm-ups, and proceeded to get ready for the game with their Clipppers t-shirts inside out.

Why is this perfect? By doing what they did they showed that they are not playing for Sterling. It's not the Clippers name on the jersey that matters--the name that he owns and makes some serious cash off of--its the themselves. Its the game.

When you start playing basketball--or football or baseball or any other organized sport--it isn't about the money or the fame. It's because you are getting the chance to do something you love to do with your friends (I don't know if everyone on the team are friends, but you get the point).

There is no way they should let the messed up thinking of one person affect what they do--and it looks like they aren't.

Well done Clippers. Well done indeed.

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