Wonder no longer about Gregor “The Mountain” Clegane from the Game of Thrones. The man is not just a beast--he's the strongest man in Europe!
Hafthor Bjornsson could sit back and cash his checks when he's between seasons on the Game of Thrones, but instead the big man is sticking with what made him--lifting incredibly heavy stuff.
Earlier this month he took part in Europe's Strongest Man Competition, and in a nut shell he rocked it making things that most people could not dream of doing look easy. In the case of the stones he was the only competitor to compete the challenge--and he did that at a brisk jog!
The following video includes the highlights of the competition and an interview that you just have to see.
Is it just me or does anyone else thing they should come up with bigger trophies for these guys? It looks like he's holding a participation trophy.

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