Wednesday, August 20, 2014

San Francisco 49ers New $1.3 Billion Stadium Unfit to Play in For Now

Even though they spent a ton of money on their brand new stadium the San Francisco 49ers had to know that there were going to be some growing pains once Levi's Stadium opened up. It's to be expected when you have a project as large as constructing a place for some 68,000+ people to comfortably enjoy a football game.

However, when it comes to the big things like the playing surface you'd think they would have gotten that right (it's kind of important).


Head coach Jim Harbaugh pulled the team off of the field Wednesday less than an hour after practice had started because the field conditions were so bad.

Patches of the field had still not recovered from Sunday's game, but more importantly basic plays ended up creating huge divots in the field. So rather than risk anyone turning an ankle or getting a foot caught and a knew twisted he took the team elsewhere to finish practice.

The sod--Bandera Bermuda which was laid in April--was selected because it was supposed to be able to hold up under heavy use, i.e. a football game.

Supposedly the field is going to be good to go come Sunday's game against the San Diego Chargers. Hopefully that will be the case. It sure would be a shame for someone's season to come to an early end because of bad grass.


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