Friday, November 14, 2014

Houston Texans May/May Not Have Arian Foster For Game Against Cleveland

When Arian Foster is on the field he is typically one of the best in the business. However, when he is not his absence is a real detriment to the team. It's a sad reality that Houston Texans fans have been forced to grow accustomed to over the years. With a key game coming up against the Cleveland Brows the team could certainly use him--especially since it will be quarterback Ryan Mallett's first start.

As usual, no one really has a clue as to whether he is going to be available or not.

via Bleacher Report

Friday afternoon word began to spread on Twitter that Foster was indeed going to be out for the game. Apparently a local radio station has claimed that Foster is out for the Browns game so once folks heard it they tweeted it, and now the Twitter loving world thinks he's out.

However, head coach Bill O'Brien has been cautiously optimistic that his running back is going to be available. Foster is listed as questionable, but plenty of players live on the injury report with that designation making it heard to put too much stock in it.

Ask Foster and he'll tell you that he is playing.

So--who do we believe?

Easy--none of them. Twitter loves to spread false rumors, coaches rarely tell you anything of substance unless they accidentally let it slip. Of course the player is going to say he is in.

Pretty much the only time we can believe what we hear is right before game time. That being said , if he is on your fantasy team you might want to go pick up Alfred Blue.

You know. Just in case.

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