Saturday, November 22, 2014

Michigan State Should Be Ashamed For Running a Fake Field Goal Against Rutgers [GIF]

Michigan State should be ashamed of this play. Here they are up 35-0 and rather than kick a 42-yard field goal they go for a fake and the kicker runs the ball in for a touchdown instead (or it would have been had he not stepped out of bounds right before making his leap). I am sure it was quite thrilling for the kicker; probably crossed something off of his bucket list.

That being said it was so unnecessary.

On one hand I get it. Everyone practices in order to play a full game. They don't practice to play one really good half and then to lay down for the second in order to keep the other team from looking bad.

But to run a trick play in order to run up the score when a field goal would have been just fine? Classless Spartans. Classless.

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  1. I can tell that you didn't put much effort into this blog post because you didn't know that Michigan State didn't score a touchdown. He accidentally stepped out of bounds on the 1 yard line and Michigan State fumbled the ball on the following play.
    In regards to running up the score, at the end of the first half, the score was 35-0. The score of the second half was 10-3 in favor of MSU. That's not very indicative of running up the score, but you probably don't know that because you only saw this one play.
    I think the main reason that they ran this play is because it was Michigan State's last home game of the season. AKA Senior Day. They were having some fun for the fans. Later in the game, they ran an end around with an offensive lineman (it was for negative yards by the way, so don't get mad about them beating up on poor little Rutgers).
    Lastly, if you have a problem with college football teams keeping their starters in for the whole game, then find a new sport. Your favorite teams all do it too.

    1. You sir are a presumptive ass hat. Just because they let off the gas in the second half does not make the play okay. It is still a slap in the face to a Rutgers team that was already getting its ass kicked. So what if it's Senior Day. No excuse for being a punk. Oh--and the O-Lineman (which this guy also blogged on) play was just funny.

    2. I don't know. Running plays you never would because the score is so high is running it up. Either that or you're laughing at the other team's inability to stop you. Oh--and I agree that the first anon guy is an ass hat.
