Monday, January 5, 2015

Controversial Pass Interference Call in Dallas-Detroit Game a Sign NFL an College Rules Should Be More Alike?

What would a Dallas Cowboys playoff win be without a little controversy, right? As far as controversies go this is good one, but it is also one that could have been avoided in a couple of different ways.

If you are not sure what everyone is angry about here is the pass interference call in question:

Had the refs just done their jobs right this whole mess could have been avoided. Pete Morelli should have talked with everyone before making a call. Either that or the guy that could see the play better than anyone else--the head linesman--could have hustled in since he knew this was going to be a big call.

Then he could have explained that the contact was minimal and Morelli could have made the right call which in this case was nothing.

Had it been a college game Dallas would have been hit with a face guarding penalty, but since there is no such penalty in the NFL there was no call to make.

I can't help but wonder why there are any differences in the rules between the college and the NFL game. While colleges are institutes of higher education they are also considered training ground for the NFL. So why not play with the exact same rules of the NFL?

Am I saying this because I want the NFL to adopt face guarding? Absolutely not. It just seems logical for the college and NFL games to be the same (which is probably why it isn't done).

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