Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Investigation Discovers Most of the New England Patriots Game Balls Were Under-inflated

When the story first broke most of the world assumed it was crap. The general thought was that it was just an Indianapolis reporter causing a fuss because his team was destroyed in the AFC Championship. It quickly turned in to a legitimate beef followed by an investigation by the league.

From the sound of it there could be something to the whole mess.

via Reddit

Numerous sources online are reporting most of the Patriots game balls were under-inflated:

Hmm...that's not good.

Early rumors indicated that the team would lose draft picks should anything come from the investigation, but there needs to be more. After getting busted once cheating you would think Bill Belichick would never do it again, but it sounds like he might have.

Yes, the two incidents were many moons a part, but the fact that there was a second should tell Goodell that a lot more needs to be done. If not, Belichick is just going to figure out some other way to gain an illegal competitive advantage.

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