Sunday, January 4, 2015

Would it Have Been a Different Game if the Pittsburgh Steelers Still Had LeGarrette Blount?

The loss to the Baltimore Ravens in Saturday night's wildcard game is likely going to sting for a little while for the Pittsburgh Steelers. They are going to have plenty of injuries to nurse of course, but they are also going to have to live with knowing that the lack of a running game killed what was otherwise a really good season.

It kind of makes you wonder if cutting a disgruntled LeGarrette Blount was such a good idea (because Ben Tate worked out so well).


If the team had any reason to believe that it was going to lose Le'veon Bell when he was needed most there is no way in hell Blount would have been dropped. With the way he acted a fine and/or suspension would have definitely been in order along with anything else they could legally do under the CBA.

Had he still been around Bell would have definitely not been playing nearly as much as he did in the regular season finale when he was injured.

Of course hindsight is 20/20. The world thought the Steelers did the right thing in regards to Blount at the time. Players can't act like little babies and think they can get away with it. A line had to be drawn.

That line may have cost them the playoffs, but it still had to be drawn.

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