Sunday, March 29, 2015

Ronda Rousey Does Ronda Rousey-Type Things With The Rock at Wrestlemania 31 [GIFs]

If acting doesn't become a thing for MMA superstar Ronda Rousey in the near to distant future the UFC Champion really should give the WWE a try. She's athletic enough to do whatever it is she needs to do in a ring and she would look smoking hot in whatever skimpy outfit they decided to have her fight in.

If she was ever curious how she would be received in the ring she got to find out when The Rock had her join him in the ring at Wrestlemania 31.

I can't afford PPV so I'm getting my information off of Bleacher Report's recap, but it sounds like The Rock was having a nice stand off with Triple H and Stephanie McMahon. Step slapped him, but since he's a good guy The Rock did not slap her back. Instead he went out and pulled someone from the crowd to do it for him.

Rondo Rousey.


I quit watching wrestling when The Rock went away and they started having some characters that were a little too goofy for my taste, but should Ronda ever decided to join the WWE I'll be setting my DVR for any and every WWE program on TV.


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