Thursday, January 21, 2016

TMZ Says Lance Briggs Crashed His Porsche Into Bartending School But He Says He Took Uber Home

Whenever you see a story on TMZ you always have to take it with a grain of salt. It is a tabloid site after all, and tabloids are not known for their accuracy. However, from time to time they do tend to break legitimate stories. So when they posted a story Wednesday afternoon about Chicago Bears linebacker Lance Briggs crashing his Porsche into a bartending school you had to wonder if it was true or not.

It didn't help his case that he did wreck his Lamborghini a few years ago.

via Twitter

TMZ doesn't outright say he was driving the car, but they do imply it and the car was registered to him:

As it turns out, this time he is innocent. After seeing the story he sent the following tweet:

So if he took Uber home, what moron did he let drive his Porsche?

[TMZ, Twitter]

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