Thursday, January 21, 2016

UK Soccer League Is For Fat Guys Only! [VIDEO]

If there was ever an idea that we should copy/steal from the British it is this one. Apparently there was a gentlemen, Andrew Shanahan, that was looking for a way to lose weight. He found it difficult to find something were he felt like he fit in though. He just wanted to find something for 'normal blokes' like him, but he couldn't.

So he started something--a soccer league strictly for fat guys only (BMI 30+ only). Some of the team names are freaking awesome: Inter Pies, XL Legends and Beer Bellies United. The 'season' last fourteen weeks and teams score points in two ways--by losing pounds and scoring goals.

How awesome is this? For some people, going to the gym and living on the treadmill is enough, but for many it feels more like a chore that you are never going to keep up with. However, if you were playing game where you ran around a lot...

As a fat guy I am going to go ahead and say it--this is genius. I am not a soccer fan, but I'd sign up in a second.


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