Monday, October 29, 2012

What Can We Honestly Expect From the Charlotte Bobcats This Season? | Bobcats Planet

What Can We Honestly Expect From the Charlotte Bobcats This Season? | Bobcats Planet

After last season’s debacle the expectations that many fans will likely have for this year’s Bobcats is that they don’t do worse than they did last season now that there will be 16 more games on the schedule. Living through a 7-59 season was bad enough. Now that the option of doing worse is open with the full 82-game schedule this season it would be understandable if fans were just a little apprehensive.
However, with all the changes that the team has gone through since last season I would be shocked if the team were to look anything like the group that was on the court last season. I credit His Airness with going out and getting a new head coach, several new players, and even changing the uniforms so the team will not literally look like last season’s group....

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