Friday, October 26, 2012

Free Sean Payton!

Wouldn't it be nice for the whole Bounty-Gate scandal to come to an end next week after former NFL commissioner Paul Tagliabue hears the appeals for the suspended players next week? This mess has been a stain on the league for too long now, and it needs to go away.

Should Tagliabue rule in favor of the players most fans will likely be happy for those guys and will forget the whole mess as soon as they finish watching Sportscenter. However, there are some folks that might take the news the other way. They might see it as a reason to do something they have been clamoring for since last April:

Free Sean Payton.

Every fan base likes to think they are the best, craziest, and most dedicated fans that any sports team has ever seen. When their figurative backs are against the wall though, most would fail the test. Fans of the New Orleans Saints? Now those folks love their team and would move heaven and earth to help it.

Like the ' Free Sean Payton' movement. New Orleans fans have been trying to spread the word since last April going as far as to create a Facebook page, Twitter profile, and online petition. Should the players involved get good news it would not be shocking for the movement to gain a lot of steam.

If the players are not guilty how can the coach be?

If you need a little proof as to how crazy the 'Who Dat? Nation is about their team and its coach just check out the gallery!

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