Saturday, March 30, 2013

Bill Walton Has Lost It

Not too long ago I thought that basketball legend and current commentator Bill Walton was trying to make a passive aggressive protest by making some kooky comments on the air in regards to Ray Lewis, the Bill Simmons twitter suspension, and the farce of  program called First Take.

Personally, I applauded his willingness to test the limits of what the network was going to be willing to take. ESPN has allowed its people to run amok of late, but when it comes to making the network look silly or bad -mouthing it they have actually acted.

Now nothing happened with Walton's earlier transgressions, but maybe that's because they knew that he wasn't in fact being oppositional-defiant; that he was really just a little nutty. How else can you explain him comparing Tyreke Evans to Einstein and Leonardo Da Vinci?

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