Saturday, March 9, 2013

James Harrison is Looking for a New Team; Released by Pittsburgh

It's a move that has been talked about for some time now, and it appears as if it has finally happened. The Pittsburgh Steelers have released hard-hitting linebacker James Harrison.

During his tenure with the Steelers he has become known as much for his run-ins with the league office as he has his play on the field. His no-holds barred style has resulted in some clutch plays for the Steelers (like the above below), but there have been many times where his big hits resulted in big fines.

The move does not come as much of a surprise; not because he hasn't performed, but because the league appears to be moving towards dumping high salaries and going with younger, lower paid players. Harrison is one of many veterans that have been dumped in recent weeks in order to free up room under the salary cap.

Harrison was scheduled to make $6.57 million next season. The move frees up $5.1 million in cap space.

At 34 he could still have a couple years left in him , but the question will be whether there is a team that wants to pay him what he thinks he is worth. The Steelers tried to get him to restructure his current contract, but he refused.

While there are plenty of teams that could use someone with his intensity and play-making ability there are injury concerns. His style of play leads to results, but it also takes its toll on the body. Harrison has been vocal about what he thinks his concussion history is with claims that he has had a number of them that is in the 'double-digits.'

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