Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Meet Miami Heat Head Coach Eric Spoelstra Hot GF Nikki Sapp

When you are the world champions life must be good, but chances are before the Miami Heat won the NBA finals last season those guys were not hating life. Just ask head coach Eric Spoelstra who has apparently been dating a former team dancer!

The 42-year old coach has succeeded in keeping his dating life under wraps, but recently decided not to worry about it anymore when he stepped out with his 24-year old girlfriend, Nikki Sapp, at a charity event.

Why he would want to hide this relationship is a little bit of a mystery--young Nikki is smoking! But maybe that is it--age. The two are 18 years apart either making Spoelstra creepy or lucky depending on how you want to look at it.

Whatever the reason, they are out, she is hot, and he is one lucky dude!

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