Thursday, March 28, 2013

Phil Jackson's Twitter Following is Ridiculous

Phil Jackson, the most sought after basketball coach alive, made waves with his first tweet from his brand new account recently. As it turns out the garbled junk of a message was just a marketing ploy to create buzz, and it worked brilliantly. There was hardly a blogger on the World Wide Web that did not cover the first tweet from the Zen Master.

Jackson has since sent another tweet; one that makes sense. Basically what he has done in his two whole tweets is promote his upcoming book. Hmmm...Twitter for self promotion, what a shocker!

What is a shocker is the man's following. With only two tweets since setting up his account a couple days ago--and pretty crappy ones at that--the man has amasses over 170,000 followers.

Without tweeting/saying a damn thing of value.





Now don't get me wrong; I'm not hating on the man. I'm part of his flock as well (No. 170,900 in fact). It doesn't mean I can't be shocked by it!

Then again, I guess he is the Zen Master for a reason...

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