Saturday, March 9, 2013

Renaldo Balkman Apologizes for Choking Teammate

Renaldo Balkman, former New York Knick and current Philippine Basketball Association player (for now) with the Petron Blaze, is having choker's remorse. Apparently now that he has had time to rethink his actions on the basketball court Thursday night he is experiencing some regret over the whole mess.

It probably doesn't help that videos of the incident have gone viral like this clip that has over 670,000 views:

Balkman has now issued an apology (Big Lead Sports):
“I, Renaldo Balkman, would like to apologize to my teammates, the fans, the entire Philippines Basketball association, and the entire Perton Blaze Boosters organization. I would especially like to apologize to Arwind Santos and his family. I would never intentionally inflict harm on another human being, especially a teammate who I respect deeply.
My behaviors, during a very intense moment of a heated game, game as a surprise even to me. It is not in my character to react physically in any situation and this is the first time I have ever behaved in such a manor. My actions were out of line and I am ready to fully accept any consequences for my actions. I hope that the Petron Blaze Boosters management will recognize this unfortunate situation as a slip up that will never happen again.”
The fact that he still has a job is amazing. Maybe the PBA is hard up for NBA, or former NBA players, that they are willing to accept this kind of behavior. Should this have occurred in the NBA I would think that he would at least be banned for the year if not longer.

Maybe that's why he's released the statement. You have to think that he is playing in the PBA with hopes of getting back into the NBA some day. He was a first round pick (No. 20 overall) back in 2006 so he doesn't suck.

However, no matter how good you are the NBA will not put up with this much bad behavior (LeBron--you are not allowed to test this hypothesis by turning into an angry fool all of  sudden, okay?).

Arguing with refs--eh. Continually arguing with refs--eh. Arguing with players--eh. Choking players--eh. Doing all of the above to the extent that a person had to come out of the stands to calm you down--now that's a little much.

The statement is really the only thing he can do to salvage any hopes of making good money playing basketball ever again, but Balkman better not hold his breath in anticipation.

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1 comment:

  1. he should be suspended for ever,this tug was out of control.
