Friday, April 5, 2013

Britney Griner Might Be Getting Ahead of Herself

Even Mark Cuban could not have know n what he  had started when he stated that he would consider drafting Baylor's Britney Griner. The concept of a woman playing in the NBA has since become a topic for debate on numerous shows, players have weighed in on the notion, coaches have spoken out, and the blogo-sphere--well, you know bloggers and writers grasp on to stuff like this as if it was gold.

For her part, Britney did what you would expect by encouraging Cuban to pull the trigger. However, where she may have crossed a line is when she posted this pic to Instagram:

I am sure she means no harm or disrespect to Brandon Knight (this is a pic of the now infamous dunk that DeAndre Jordan threw down on Knight with Griner superimposed over Jordan). That being said, how can this not irk Knight just a little?

It wasn't exactly one of the finer moments of Knight's young career. I'm sure it was bad enough when he had to live through the infamy the play got him the first time around. Now he has a female player saying she can destroy him like Jordan did.

Not good.

Again--I am sure that Britney Griner means no harm or disrespect here.

Near as I can tell Knight has not commented on the pic. Chances are he never will, taking it for what it is--Griner just trying to maximize some publicity and have a little fun in the process. If he does respond it will likely be with the same professionalism that he handled the actual dunk itself.

But secretly you know it has to bug him; just a little.

[NBA Mistress]
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