Friday, April 19, 2013

Josh Reddick Advocates Slow Torture of Boston Marathon Suspect then Apologizes (sort of)

Josh Reddick, right fielder for the Oakland Athletics and former Boston Red Sox prospect, has fallen victim to the allure of social media. Like many before him and likely many after him he has tweeted something that he possibly could have/should have thought out a little more first.

It's a little early in the season to grow the rally/playoff beard Josh.
Early Friday  morning Josh sent the following tweet:

He apparently thought twice about it and deleted it shortly after sending it (but Big Brother is always watching Josh). Perhaps he caught some criticsm or perhaps he simply thought twice about it; who knows. He did, however, post something else to kind of apologize, but also explain his position:

I get why someone may have an issue with him. We are supposed to be better than the rest, add resorting to torture is more indicative of a vengeful, less-advanced society--and we are better than that.

Then again, sometimes folks just need to be punished.

Most Americans are pretty intense about protecting our country and making those pay that mess with it. It is not uncommon to hear many advocate for something rather painful and unpleasant for those that do things like the Boston Marathon bombing, Newtown school shooting, Oklahoma City bombing--the list could sadly go on and on.

What is great is that whether you love his comments or hate them, you and Josh are both right. Freedom loving places like the one we live in allow people to think what they want and say it.

There is no right or wrong. There is just the reality and honesty that comes with being free.

So say your piece Josh and don't be sorry. It's your right (more folks will probably agree with you anyway...).

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