Thursday, April 4, 2013

Kevin Ware's Top Ten List on Letterman [VIDEO UPDATED]

Louisville Cardinals sophomore guard Kevin Ware has been an absolute champ with the way he has handled himself and the media following his horrific injury in the Duke game last Sunday.

From encouraging his team to win, calming down his mother--both while there was bone sticking out of his leg--to asking his coach to go to Hooter's for him at 10:30 in the morning (you know that trip was as much for Coach Pitino as it was for Kevin) he has been the picture of class.

So much so that he was able to find the humor in doing a Top Ten list for David Letterman.

The video is just a preview, but as soon as a full clip becomes available I will replace it [Video has been updated!!!]

The list was entitled "The Top Ten Things Going Through Kevin Ware's Mind When the Injury Happened." Letterman actually said 'this' and showed a pic of Kevin on the court after the injury occurred clearly reffering to the injury; I just didn't want to put words in his mouth.

Anyway...the top ten is:
10. What was that loud cracking sound?
9. I hope this doesn't leave a bruise.
8. Hey, look—my tibia!
7. Ouch.
6. Did it go in?
5. Oh, boy… hospital food!
4. Tape it up, coach, I'm staying in.
3. They fired Leno?
2. Heat, then ice, or ice, then heat?
and the No. 1 thing going through Kevin Ware's mind at the time of the injury was...
1. At least my bracket's not busted.

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