Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Indoor Football Coach Shows Why Tim Tebow is Needed in the Arena Game (someone has to show this coach what class is)

Lincoln Haymakers (of the Champions Professional Indoor Football League) head coach Dave Brumagen did the unthinkable and clearly very stupid when he decided to show his players how to take a running back down. Problem is he did it during a game when he nailed Omaha Beef running back R.J. Rollins.

Things like this classy move (sarcasm totally intended there) is what will keep the indoor game from becoming as popular as it could be. Then again, this league has gotten more publicity thanks to the actions of this coach then it ever has maybe there is something to it after all...

So what does this idiot have to do with Tim Tebow and his potential/possible future in the indoor game?

By now I am sure that anyone that is reading this has heard that the most popular unemployed quarterback in the NFL has had a few offers from Arena Football League teams should the NFL not come calling this seasson.

What his game could bring indoors remains to be seen, but he would clearly bring a sense of class and responsibility to whatever team he plays for. From the looks of things Dave Brumagen could certainly use a few lessons in class.

Tim didn't rub off on the Jets, but maybe he could help these guys out by setting the right example for them.

Then again, his offer came from a different indoor league so Brumagen and the rest of the Haymakers are out of luck! Heck, he only got suspended when he should have been fired on the spot so maybe the whole thing was a stunt anyway.

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