Friday, June 14, 2013

Texas A&M: Who Needs the Longhorns When We Have Alabama to Poke Fun At?[UPDATED]

The rivalry between Texas A&M and the Longhorns from the University of Texas is the thing of legends. It will forever be remembered as a shining example of why college football rocks and will someday--hopefully--be back.

Till then the Aggies have found someone new to mess with--the Crimson Tide of Alabama.

If one rivalry is going to end why not foster another one with arguably the best college football program in the nation? It's kind of hard to argue with the notion; after all, the Crimson Tide have won three out of the last four BCS national championships.

But there is one black mark on their run. All be it a small one since the 'Tide still won the national championship, but it exist none the less.

I'm talking about Alabama's loss to Texas A&M last season--and the Aggies are going to enjoy until the 'Tide knock them off.

And the school's athletic director, Eric Hyman, was doing just that during Coach's Night on June 13. At the dinner hosted by the Brazos County A&M Club Hyman said this:
"What do the moon and Texas A&M have in common? We control the Tide."
Not exactly a new joke, but one that holds a little weight since the Aggies did come out of nowhere to hand the eventual champs a loss. It doesn't hurt that the duo's meeting in College Station on September 14 is the most anticipated game of the season (next to when the two meet again in the BCS title game).

So yeah, the Longhorns are great and when the rivalry renews again someday it will be great once again, but till then messing with the 'Tide will be a welcome replacement.

[UPDATED] And now there is a t-shirt.

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