Saturday, August 3, 2013

Alex Rodriguez Doesn't Need to Care About Suspension/Ban Thanks to the Texas Rangers

The rumors have been flying around like crazy about the future New York Yankees star Alex Rodriguez has in baseball. Is he going to be suspended through the 2014 season? Is he going to be banned for life? The whole Biogenesis ordeal has been a mess, and it A-rod's behavior has not done him any favors in the process.

Heck, its almost as if he is in the worst case of denial or just doesn't care. To be honest, thanks to the Texas Rangers he doesn't need to.

Keith Allison/Flickr

If he is actually concerned about his legacy than he should care about getting suspended or banned. However, if you look at it from a financial standpoint he's going to be set thanks to that monster contract he got from the Texas Rangers many moons ago.

Starting in 2016 and running through 2025 the Rangers are due to pay him about $40 million in deferred money.

Yep, the Rangers still owe this guy $40 friggin million.

So if A-rod happens to be one of those guys that has been completely stupid with his money--and with the contracts he's had that's a lot of money--thanks to his Rangers contract he is going to be doing pretty darn good sitting at home watching Sportscenter.

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