Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Former Detroit Lions Wide Receiver Titus Young Still a No-Show in Court

The curious case of former Boise State and Detroit Lions wide receiver Titus Young added another chapter to an already intense story. You would think that the erratic behavior and alleged (although the truth is pretty well known) crime spree would be enough but the story has continued to take one turn after another in court as well.

It did just that at his most recent court appearance when for the third consecutive time, he was a no-show in court.

This isn't young doing something stupid though. According to his lawyer, Young is in the midst of getting treatment. When asked by the court for what he declined to answer saying that it was 'personal,' but Judge Andre Manssourian seems to be okay with the answer for now. He gave Young another excused absence from court.

But it appears to be the last get out of jail free card Young is going to get. The judge wants him in court for the August 27 pre-trial hearing:

"This is the last time," Manssourian said. "I am satisfied that Mr. Young is not trying to take advantage of not being in custody or defy the court's rulings, but I am going to have to get him here in the courtroom."

It's interesting that Young's lawyer did not comment on what sort of treatment that he is getting since his best defense is likely going to hinge on some sort of mental issue be it from concussions or something else.

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