Saturday, August 10, 2013

Michael Jordan Dunking at 50? You Betcha!

He will go down in history as the greatest basketball player to ever live. Yes, there will be some that will argue that Kobe Bryant is better than him as well as a few other guys. However, when it all comes down to it, whether you love or hate the guy there is one thing that can be universally agreed upon.

Michael Jordan had some serious game in his day, and heck--the man still does.

From Twitter Account @MJFlightSchool

During the last NBA season there was a story about how Jordan schooled one of the young pups on his team, the Charlotte Bobcats (now Hornets). If there was any video or photographic proof of this I never saw, but there is proof that even at 50 he can still do something that he became famous for back in his playing days.


From Twitter Account @MJFlightSchool
Okay so the defense wasn't that tough and he didn't take off from the freethrow line, but hey--the man is 50. Cut him some slack.

If that makes you want to see some vintage MJ:

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