Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Starburst Hooks Up Redskins Rookie Running Back With the Good Stuff

For years I and millions of others have wondered what the secret to success in football must be. Is it intense training followed by hours of dedicated study involving film and statistics? Is it being born with amazing physical gifts? Is it who you know?

Those things help, but they aren't the secret. No the secret is something else altogether; something sweet and simple--emphasis on the sweet.

It's candy.

The power that Skittles holds is pretty well know thanks to Seattle Seahawks running back Marshawn Lynch (who eats them after touchdowns). Johnny Manziel's dad added some support to the theory when he told the world that his son "ate Skittles, drank beer, and won the Heisman."

Not a  fan of Skittles? That's okay, because there is evidence growing now that Starburst is also the choice of champions.

Washington Redskins rookie running back Chris Thompson has eaten a yellow one before every game and puts a red one in his sock that he eats at half time. The former Florida State Seminole says he has been doing it since his high school days.

Hmm...sounds easy enough...

To make sure he can keep his tradition going (because you do not mess with traditions when it comes to sports) the good folks that make Starburst sent Thompson a healthy supply along with some socks:

Umm...so since my high school days whenever I write I have a steak before I get started with a cold beer, another beer after the first paragraph, and the second, and the third, and so on till the post/story is finished.

Did you get that Omaha Steaks? Shiner? Sam Adams? PBR?

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