Monday, August 19, 2013

Texas Longhorns QB Has a Thing or Two to Say About Johnny Manziel (and it's nice)

This is one of those things that old school fans and media types have been waiting for--leader of the Longhorns (quarterback David Ash) talking about the leader of the Aggies (quarterback Johnny Manziel--in case you weren't sure).

It's one of those situations where it is hard to imagine it going well due to the long history between the two programs. If you listen to some media sources out there it did not go well at all.

When talking with the media Monday Ash had this to say when asked about Manziel:

Sounds pretty cordial right there if you ask me. According to Olson Ash went on to add:

Hmmm...that doesn't sound bad at all to me, but yet many sites are running with the story as if David Ash bashed Manziel in some way, shape, or form. It sounds to me like he's showing some empathy instead.

If anything it sounds like Ash is saying that Johnny is just like him and every other college kid; that if you take a long, hard look at any of them you will find something potentially scandalous (or at the least internet fodder).

Manziel just happens to have a huge spotlight on him thanks to his off-season adventures and being the first freshman to win the Heisman.

I am not a fan of Ash at all, but I have to give him credit here for in a round about way getting Manziel's back. He sure did a better job than Johnny's 'buddy' from Alabama.

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