Tuesday, August 13, 2013

WATCH: WWE Superstar Mark Henry Makes Pulling a Semi Look Easy

Professional wrestling gets a bad wrap for being staged entertainment. To do what these men and women do-- and as often as they do it--they have to be in incredible shape. They can't be soft. They can't be weak. They have to be exceptionally fit, strong individuals.

Like Mark Henry. He may not be as nimble as many wrestlers, but he is certainly one of the strongest individuals in the WWE. Ask him and he'll say the world.

The difference between him and other strongmen that like to lay claim to strongest man in the world is this--he's willing and able to prove it.

Like here when he decided to pull a semi at a charity event in Round Rock, TX,  recently:

Eh--lots of guys can pull semis.

But can they pull two?

Skeptics will likely be quick to say that this video is staged as part of a WWE program. To be honest--I don't know that it wasn't. What I do know is that he is the current world record holder in squat and dead-lift. He is also credited with the largest raw squat and power-lifting total by a clean, drug-tested athlete.

So if he isn't actually the strongest man in the world I am sure he is pretty darn close.

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