Monday, November 18, 2013

Bears Fans Drank Too Much Beer During Weather Delay

When the weather turned to crap for the Chicago Bears/Baltimore Ravens game Sunday the fans had two choices: (1) say screw it and go home; waiting around would be boring and suck, or (2) drink beer because there is nothing else to do.

Any guess as to which option many of them took?

From Bleacher Report
They drank beer--lots of beer. According to one person on Twitter they drank so much beer that stadium concessions actually quit selling it!

What the? How the?

I can see where the stadium folks might be concerned that people in a confined space drinking a ton of beer could be a problem. Violence among fans these days is not uncommon and is often alcohol-fueled, but in this case I don't think it would have been a problem.

During the delay some Bears fans talked a Ravens fan into running on the field. You could say that they were being malicious, but they had to be hanging out for the notion to even be raised.

So at least wherever these folks were hanging out there was not a lot of animosity.

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