Saturday, November 23, 2013

Can LSU Get Any Luckier?

When you have two of the best teams in college football get together for a game every play counts. You have to bring your best game, and you can't take a single play off. All it takes is one missed assignment, one errant throw, one big run to break a game wide open.

Or you can have a good player make a real boneheaded play and get a lucky bounce.

Ben Malena is a smart, veteran player, but than he does this (see above)? Come on man! Calling this boneheaded is being nice! The Aggies were able to drive the length of the field anyway, but came up short after going for it on 4th down.

Malena's boneheaded play came after the Tigers had scored their second touchdown of the day. This is where the luck comes in. I don't know that I've seen an uglier point after attempt actually make it over the crossbar!
As frustrating as it is for Texas A&M fans like myself the boneheaded plays and luck are all a part of the game. So as an Aggie I'm hating it, but the football fan in me is saying play on!

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